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Thanks for sharing! Yes we need to continue to hold the line and believe to see the victory until all these corrupt evil bastards go down that are destroying our country! And I believe within the next week we will see these cheaters fall and be out of office soon and turn Red , Michigan, Az, and Pa . We are winning! God bless America!

Jack was sharing with me when he was home yesterday in the book of Luke about Jesus Christ telling the apostles to love your enemies and pray for them ! And we disagreed to disagree and let it go so I need to dig in the word and to some research on the break down of what dose that word enemies and love means . I just can’t wrap my head around some of that . Guess where I’m going with it is with all these evil bastards trying to destroy us, and we are to love them and pray for them !! But I’m very thankful we as a household have each other to love each other and give each other the sound doctrine Have a great day ! 😍

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