The election has come and gone. And yet there are still some races unfinished. Five days after the election as of this post. There were shenanigans in this last election. You know it. I know it. All the ways to make voting more easier for everyone has proven to be made available, not for the convenience of the people, but for the pagans to cheat. I’m sure they’d rather be called progressives, or leftists, or Democrats… but anyone willing to and participating in cheating is pagan in their heart. Call them what they are. Pagans. This isn’t about left and right, liberal vs. conservative. We may have to communicate to the living dead in this matter but you, my brethren, see it for what it is. This is good versus evil. They are willing to break the law to obtain what they desire. Is this not criminal?
- But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;
- Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
- For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
- 1 Timothy 1:8-10
Sounds like a lot of what we’re up against, dud’t it? These people are lawless. Truly Godless. They have chosen darkness over light and therefore, by default, have chosen to follow the wrong god. Early voting, mail-in voting, bloated voting rolls, and especially with illegal aliens participating, has made it all too easy to vote… and cheat… in this United States. And in the case of Pennsylvania… has resulted in some bizarre candidates being chosen to hold office.
To secure our elections is really quite simple. Do away with all these “conveniences” that have popped up in recent years. This is a state’s responsibility as laid out in the Constitution. The federal government has no say in it, save to investigate any fraud towards any precinct’s misconduct according to the law and I would advice against anyone holding their breath on that one. We all need to get back to basics. I’m sure you’ve heard this already but here we go.
Get rid of the machines. Investigate and prosecute anyone found to be fraudulently involved in all steps of the process from purchasing to promoting to programming and manipulating them.
Require paper ballots.
Require state issued identification.
Clean up the voter rolls.
Same day counting.
Same day voting. As I stated in my last post. Make the second Tuesday of every other November a national holiday.
I would also include laws instituted to halt out-of-state money going to the campaigns of those seeking office. This would stop the Soros types from buying influence.
The problem, as we’ve seen, is the states that have enough corrupted individuals holding office that are willing to cheat have to be purged and replaced with law abiding citizens more concerned about the state of their state over their own personal gain. Or the desires of those that paid for their campaign. Most obvious would be the Arizona gubernatorial race, where we see Democrat Katie Hobbs, the Secretary of State, who oversees the state’s elections… running for governor. So no surprise there concerning the delayed vote totals and ballot dumps that have occurred. Any polling location that pulls this stunt needs to be investigated and any monkeyshine prosecuted. But… the corrupted will not investigate their own crimes.
And then there’s this. Way too many people allowed polls and pundits to lead them into their expectations getting way too high. Pundits were basing their pre-election excitement on what the polls were showing to the point of expecting not just a Red Wave, but a Red Tsunami. They really shouldn’t do that to people. Polls, if accurate, are really only a temporarily accurate at best in cases when taking polls on things like politics which can be very fluid. People may say they’re fed up with how things have been digressing under a progressive government and say they’re voting to counter it, but the moment of truth comes when one actually officially records one’s choices. Which begs the question. How many people are truly motivated enough for change to break the programming of party loyalty? Or… for that matter… realize just how serious are the times and how the people need to respond in order to stop the organized chaos? There are still too many people that just don’t get it.
And what’s with all the whining and finger pointing? Why are some blaming Trump for the dashed high expectations some held as his fault?! We may not have seen the Red Wave we wanted but we did see more than what some are calling a “Red Ripple.” We did have some solid wins. Most of Trump’s endorsements won. We took the House, where spending is… and investigations are, initiated. Some blue counties went red for the first time in a long time. The Awakening is and has been expanding. Yet… I believe… taking into consideration the cheating we know of… we still have much to do towards waking people up. It would appear that too many not only need to be shown, but are going to need some pain to make any genuine progress towards facing the truth of this reality, that we are indeed enslaved to a system that counts us as nothing more than a resource. A manageable resource at that. What sucks is the pain they apparently need to wake them up we will all have to experience. At some level. But! Our God promises to supply all our need. As we look to Him. To help us to keep on mission. The patience of us all is being stretched I realize. May I remind everybody… there is no turning back. There is to be no quitting. I’m tired of these people looking back after laying their hands on the plow. None of us is in charge of how this war plays out. Except in our own hearts. We didn’t get what we wanted. I don’t mind telling you, that won’t be the last time! So… suck it up. Love is patient. Love equals patient. To be discouraged because you didn’t get what you want leads to impatient. Which leads to less love and more discontent being manifested. But still… we are to speak the truth in love, regardless of circumstance. We are shining as lights in a dark and perverse kingdom as ambassadors for Christ. Let’s stay on mission, shall we? And quit falling for the predictions of others that are based on the shifting sands of the opinions of… others. Don’t take to heart what others do with their predictions of the future. Take heed of thine own heart. Do and speak that which is profitable in the moment. Hold the truth high. Keep your head on a swivel. Stand firm. It’s not going to get any easier for awhile I assure you. That’s not a prediction. It is the essence of this war.
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Thanks for sharing! Yes we need to continue to hold the line and believe to see the victory until all these corrupt evil bastards go down that are destroying our country! And I believe within the next week we will see these cheaters fall and be out of office soon and turn Red , Michigan, Az, and Pa . We are winning! God bless America!
Jack was sharing with me when he was home yesterday in the book of Luke about Jesus Christ telling the apostles to love your enemies and pray for them ! And we disagreed to disagree and let it go so I need to dig in the word and to some research on the break down of what dose that word enemies and love means . I just can’t wrap my head around some of that . Guess where I’m going with it is with all these evil bastards trying to destroy us, and we are to love them and pray for them !! But I’m very thankful we as a household have each other to love each other and give each other the sound doctrine Have a great day ! 😍