There is something I feel has been pressed on me I’d like to touch on in this post. I am concerned as it’s not hard to see most Americans have been drawn away from part of our heritage. That being of self-reliance. We have been lulled into a habit pattern of relying on the system provided us to meet our daily needs. Instead of developing local economies in this “modern” world, we are offered the global system of centrally controlled products, produce and the logistics of delivery. We’ve seen how delicate this system is with… of all things… the toilet paper shortage of 2020. Our reliance on this system has made us vulnerable to suffering lack.
What I would like to share in this post is the warning I put out on social media February 1st. Since then I’ve seen many, many posts by different generations concerning the same. The vast majority of which was based on “feelings.” And on dreams. Dreams so vivid it caused a few folks to do something they said they would have never considered doing and put out a video. You can see they’re nervous. But they overcame it to do what they felt they were compelled to do. That being…. basically… to warn that we are standing by for another “summer of love”… probably much worse than what we saw in the last one. Which was 2020. Leading up to the Presidential election. However, my warning is motivated by what I see out there. As was my warning in early 2020 that there would be a toilet paper shortage. It wasn’t hard to predict as I searched for what America’s top import items were at the time (China’s Covid lockdowns began) and what China’s top exports were to the United States. Toilet paper was at the top of both. Whether or not anyone has noticed, it has been shown the enemy will cause whatever chaos it deems necessary to get their desired results. i.e., unleashing a rather harmless virus on the world with one of the objectives being to steal the 2020 US Presidential election. Which wasn’t the only office stolen that cycle from the people.
Remember this from Oct 2018?
The globalist, Marxist traitors in power cannot tolerate another Trump Presidency. They’ve already been telling folks that Trump “will go after his enemies” should, or when, he gets back in office. As if he’s vindictive. They ain’t wrong! But it’s not about revenge. It’s about justice. It’s what those that are red pilled have been craving. To expose to the sleeping masses the criminal activities of those in power that have placed themselves above the law. Whether it be in politics or business or big tech or science or health or finance or entertainment or sports or news or anything else. And bring the criminals to justice.
Drop 3716 and 3717
(both dropped at the exact same time and say the same exact thing)
(In biblical research, when something is stated twice, it is going to happen. Just sayin’)
Drop 3716 and 3717
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
We heard FBI Director Wray stating in congressional testimony January 31st the threat China is concerning a cyber attack on our critical infrastructure. Wray testified, "The Volt Typhoon malware enabled China to hide, among other things, pre-operational reconnaissance and network exploitation against critical infrastructure like our communications, energy, transportation, and water sectors. Steps China was taking, in other words, to find and prepare to destroy or degrade the civilian critical infrastructure that keeps us safe and prosperous. And let's be clear: Cyber threats to our critical infrastructure represent real-world threats to our physical safety."
That’s just the Chinese cyber threat. Our national borders are gates thrown wide open to the broad path laid before it by the Biden administration. I ask you… Consider the two cops beat up on camera in NYC by illegal aliens as they were trying to quell a heated dispute in an illegal alien camp in Times Square. (The perpetrators walked out of custody fours hours after being arrested flipping off those gathered outside and recording.) Consider enemy combatants coming across the border. There have been apprehensions of some crossing that were carrying explosive materials. Many Anons, including myself, have been warning it's going to be crazy leading up to the election in November. The storm's been brewing for years. This very well may be it. Everybody needs to be prepared for at least a month of lack of services. At least one month! Including preparations for an attack on the supply line. Which affects your grocery store. Be prepared!
Not only did the current administration of U.S.A. Inc. throw the borders wide open, but it also made it easier for our critical infrastructure to be compromised.
In 2021 Biden revoked the Dec 17, 2020 Prohibition Order under Trump Executive Order 13920, (the “Bulk Power Order”). "The Prohibition Order expressly prevented utilities from procuring from China certain bulk-power system electric equipment that directly serves facilities that are (1) critical to the defense of the United States and (2) are vulnerable to a disruption of the supply of electric energy provided to such facility by an external provider." (See the link below on this)
On the world stage we have the World Economic Forum’s top concern this year being “disinformation” (which we will continue to blow through.) Right behind that is their “concern” of “environmental threats intensifying.” And we have the World Health Organization (WHO) pushing a “world pandemic treaty” to prepare for an “unknown” contagion. Unknown but given a name. “Disease X.” - * insert eye roll here * -
It is imperative that Americans get back to as much self reliance as possible. Again… the more the people reject the system that has been imposed on us, the sooner it will all come crashing down. I know this isn’t easy. I know this upsets your level of comfort. Get over it. This is war and what we’re fighting for is much more bigger than anyone’s desire to be left alone. The enemy counts on this laziness and they have counted on it over the centuries as they’ve seen that’s how they get away with their tyranny. Just like they’ve counted on the individual selfishness and the love for money they’ve programmed into the masses. It is because of this selfishness this system has been so corrupted. There is going to be plenty of pain to go around and it’s fallacy as far as I’m concerned for anyone to think they are exempt from it. Keep your mind on the goal as we go through the pain this year of the pulling down of this matrix. The goal is to replace the system we’re currently under with what has been denied us all for all of our lives. That being equal justice under the law for all. As well as the technology and history that’s been kept from us. And as always, Save The Children. If you aren’t prepared for what’s coming, well… it’s on you. No whining. Resources are available. You’ve been warned.
Separate from that, I’d like to inform everybody I’m not going to post Sunday Morning entries as faithfully as I have been for the last 15 or so years. Thanks to the tracking tools available on Substack, it is clear to me there just isn’t much interest in what I share. From what I’ve seen there is less than one third of my subscribers open the email sent to them when I post here. Let alone the links I share being getting clicked on. Which is fine. I get very little support in anything I share as far as shares, comments and reactions go. Which also is fine. I get very little financial support for the time and effort I invest in whatever I produce towards helping others understand what’s going on. And that’s fine too. I never was in this for money and I have no desire to be “popular.” I’m not going to put my offerings behind a paywall. To those that appreciate what I share and have shown support I am thankful to help and thankful for your support. I began seeing last summer I just can’t spend so much of my life as I’ve done the last 4 years doing so much that doesn’t seem to be needed much. There’s a lot of great and awesome content providers out there now that we’ve exposed Mockingbird. We The People. We Are The News Now.
Maybe you’ve noticed this is the first Sunday Morning post I’ve made for about 2 months. Since mid-December. Or maybe you haven’t. Regardless, it is the longest break I’ve taken from posting on Sunday mornings in 15 years. (It normally takes me a full work day to build one.) I do keep active in the Information War but it isn’t such a priority anymore to me to put out content as I’ve been doing. Emails, IMs, texts or calls are always welcome.
- Links -
Hillary Clinton Says Democrats Can't Be Civil Until They're Back in Power
Critical infrastructure hacks raise alarms on Chinese threats
China Infiltrates US Critical Infrastructure in Ramp-up to Conflict
Nothing to See Here: Illegal Border-Crossers Caught with Explosives
A Clean Slate for Executive Order 13920: The Bulk Power Order
Global Risks 2024: Disinformation Tops Global Risks 2024 as Environmental Threats Intensify
WHO director calls for world pandemic treaty to prepare for Disease X
JAD’s Comms: Be Prepared!
- Noteworthy -
Illegal Aliens Accused of Beating Up Cops Arrested in Arizona - They're Not Laughing Anymore
Biden Admin Pressured Amazon to Suppress Books It Didn’t Like
Hawaii Court Gives Middle Finger To SCOTUS, Claims “Spirit Of Aloha” Overrides the Second Amendment
BOOM! 70 Current And Former NYCHA Employees Charged With Bribery And Extortion Offenses
Thousands of Spanish Farmers Stage a Second Day of Tractor Protests over EU Policies and Prices
Q dropped 34 times on this day Feb 11
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I’m very thankful for all the time you put into helping see the light on all this bullshit corruption and evil shit we are living through.
And I miss your Sunday morning post . Sunday morning would be the first thing I would look for when I wake up on Sundays . But I fully understand what you’re saying totally. God bless ! I keep you in my prayers daily! Love you 🥰