As I script this, today is election day in the USA. And I don’t mind telling ya… I am so thankful this day is here. And that it’s here without at least a section of the nation… if not all of us… falling victim to a major false flag event (FF). I’ve been a bit on edge all summer for my fellow citizens as we moved through the weeks to this day. Now that we’ve gotten to know how the enemy moves in this world, we’ve seen what they’re capable of these last few years. We were gaining all kinds of momentum, even seeing the MSM announce when their polls showed the majority of Americans weren’t buying their description of the Summer 2020 Riots as “mostly peaceful protests.” I saw then, Anons and truth-seekers took the high ground in the Information War. While the plandemic was raging at that! Getting another benefit out of the corona fear (we were calling it corona virus then) was the drop box excuse to maintain social distancing during the election. It proved to be an effective cheat for the enemy in one of the ways they inflated the count. Also denying many their first time to vote to boot as somebody used these victims’ names in the counterfeit ballots dropped off or mailed in and counted before they showed up to vote! Or may have changed after having been counted by the attacks off the web.
These criminals don’t care. All they care about it is their hold on power they’ve enjoyed most, if not all… of their lives. We’ve have seen what they are capable of concerning elections. How they move people with their lies and spells. Even though they’ve denied it through Mockingbird.. they know they are in trouble this cycle. Their “Red Mirage” operation quelled the 2020 Red Wave… which is still in play today. Hence, the term “election deniers.” They did get help from some we were counting on but proved… timid… shall we say? But this go-round we’ve got many, many more eyes-on out there. The ranks of Patriots has swelled the last couple of years. As the people around the world wake up, it do seem to me America has had it relatively easy. I had been praying all summer for America. For wisdom as we move through this timeline. For understanding that I might help others along the way. But I was prepared mentally… and was half expecting… for the worse. In my thinking getting hit with a EMP that would take out pretty much everything electrical east of the Mississippi. Or at least take out NYC. I am convinced that city is marked as a sacrifice with these Luciferians we’re exposing. They could’ve blamed it on the Russians and finally get us into that war they’ve planned. But there’s been nothing. No major catastrophe to stop this election. Why?
Click the pic or this link for Trump Endorses Long List of GOP Candidates
Don’t get me wrong. I am oh so thankful and have been lifting in prayer for God’s protection on this nation and our believers world wide. But I got this thing. This thing in my mind wanting to know why. I know they wanted to do something. I just know it! I’ve gotta wonder (but not promoting) if there were any White Hat operations involved behind the scenes to thwart any dastardly deeds. If there was, maybe we’ll learn about it after the war is won. I ain’t that concerned. We’re here. Right now people are casting their votes. Although it’s being reported there are some shenanigans going on, the United States 2022 election is occurring. Turn out is expected to be good for a midterm. And it is an important one. If we beat the cheat, we may very well be on the verge of destroying the Democratic National Committee. Which is the governing body of the United States Democratic Party.
But there is a couple of “ifs” in there. The first one should be resolved rather quickly and that is if we beat the cheat. The second if won’t be known maybe until around spring… or late winter perhaps on if the fulfillment of the promises made to start Congressional investigations into the 2020 election happens. To start with. So many things the American people have been unaware of by those they put in their offices. But we should start off there, right that wrong… and then get after the Covid fraud, the vaccine injuries and deaths. The Ukraine money laundering operations. The Chinese connections to influencers here, Obamagate…. and so much more.
Click the pic or this link for Voting and Election Laws | USAGov
And while we at it I’d like to throw this out there. We do need to clean up the voter registration rolls across the country. We need to get off the voting machines and have a thorough investigation into that product and company. And stay off the web for that matter when it comes to counting our vote. I’m glad to report Sevier county, Tennessee does not use Dominion machines. We do paper ballots. Paper ballots are the most secure. And I’m sure much cheaper on the county budgets as well. Same day, one day voting. Require authorized picture ID. Discontinue mail-in voting with exceptions for those too infirm perhaps. And discontinue early voting. We have seen all these things told us to make voting more convenient and/or maintain covid protocols makes it so much easier to cheat. National Voting Day should always have been… and needs to be… a national holiday. Being self employed I have that option and today I took off. And I voted. In person. We take the days off to observe all the pagan traditions we pay heed to, it seems to me this should be held higher in our minds over all that silly crap. To exercise our right to have our voices heard in this nation wide event of expressing ourselves on the local and national levels. Make it a family get-together. Feast on… possum… or something. Have a football game.
But for today, our election is being held. Without any major catastrophes. At this point of the day I’m sharing my heart with you anyways. Expect the lame ducks to be pitching a fit all the way through the rest of the session. This war isn’t over. Not yet. Maybe we’ll have what I’ve seen many want. Not a Red Wave but a Red Tsunami. As long as patriotic servants occupy the majority of seats in the House and the Senate we will have wrestled away a big aspect of control the enemy has been enjoying. But we need to see investigations in the 2020 election theft by spring 2023. Put the rightful President in office and then let’s see the fur fly!
I missed the last Sunday Morning post. Did’ja notice? First one I’ve missed in ye-e-ears! But I had to put in a long work day and I have to take the work I can get.
A Misleading Attempt to Bolster the ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Riots Narrative
The Left’s ‘Red Mirage’ Narrative Is Nothing More Than A Cover For Election-Rigging
Republicans Favored to Retake House and Senate as Voters Head to the Polls in Midterm Elections
Philadelphia Officials Vote to Impose Last-Minute Rule Change That Will Slow Down Vote Count
Judge Orders Georgia County to Extend Ballot Deadline After Last-Minute Mailing of 1,000 Ballots
Voting Machine Issues Reported in Mercer County, NJ
Dominion Voting Machines Malfunctioning in Arizona
Florida Rejects DOJ Plan to Place Monitors Inside Voting Locations
Soros Tops List of Biggest Donors This Midterm Season
Election Day in the United States
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Thanks for sharing! Yes I miss seeing your post Sunday ! I ask Jack (today)have you heard from Dave lately ! He’s been so Quiet haven’t seen him on Facebook lately. He did say you guys chatted Sunday ! 😁 But setting here peaceful and waiting for the Red wave to come in ! Love yah ! 😁❤️