Time. There never seems to be enough of it. At other times there seems to be too much of it. The last few years with the war raging it seems to be flying by. My father taught me when I was a teen that time was a man-made invention. The counting of and relying on years, months, days, hours, and minutes. That blew me away. It wasn’t too many years after I moved out, I began to realize how everywhere people are enslaved to trading their time with exerted physical effort for money. We literally sacrifice the time we have in the pursuit of fulfilling need. As it is written,
- And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
- Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
- In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
- Genesis 3:17-19
Today we see the enemy doing its best to overcome what has been commanded by the Creator, the consequence of choosing to believe God wasn’t truthful. This isn’t punishment!... but consequence. Many do seek it…. to get back to the garden. As in the case when the crowd… after being fed the loaves and fishes… wanted to forcibly make Jesus king. Supposing a welfare state in which their basic needs would be supplied with little effort. The time for that is not yet. We know it. Jesus knew it. It’s why he had to get out of there and pretty quick at that. It was not yet time for him to take back that which was taken through deceit by Satan. Jesus could’ve had it by that point in time. But it, like always when it comes to the counterfeit, would have come with a heavy price. IF he would’ve bowed down and worshipped Satan when he was tempted to do so just a few months prior to this situation.
- And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
- And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
- If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
- And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
- Luke 4:5-8
In our time we see many falling victim to the deception that government will take care of everyone and all their needs. The deception lies in what is sacrificed for having all your need met. That being whatever liberty we have left at this point. As tempting as it might be for the poverty stricken already relying on government and/or charity to survive, the working class… for the most part… thankfully see through the line promised us by the head of the World Economic Forum that we “will own nothing and like it” as we know poverty is still with us today for the same reason it’s always been around. It’s a tool... or better yet a weapon… to be used towards the control of the people. We went over that some in my Present Food Supply Concerns video. How food is used as a weapon as we went over some of the recent attacks on our food production and supply lines being orchestrated against us, the people to artificially produce famine conditions. The globalists are willing, ready and desire to starve to death anyone that doesn’t conform to their communist takeover and control of the entire population of the world. Which includes… if you don’t know… wiping out the vast majority of the human population to satisfy their opinion of “sustainability.” Which really means “controlling the herd and getting work done as easy as possible” on they themselves. The self, so-called "elites.”
But they are behind the schedule they devised about a century ago. The Trump Presidency really screwed that up. They are doing their best to get back on schedule, but in their haste they are moving too fast. Why? Days and numbers mean a lot to those in the occult. And from the shadows, they rule the world. They are turning up the heat too quickly and the frogs are feeling it. This time we are currently living is truly historic in that Satan’s kingdom, his “children” (who I often refer to as Serpent Seed) and their minions in this world are being exposed to more people around the world like no other time in recorded history. To the point revival seems to be beginning to break out. (Thank you, Father! We know that you can save by many or by few, but we really appreciate the reinforcements!)
Have you noticed the one thing that’s been required of us all since we committed to Christ and/or The Great Awakening? That goes against the programming we’ve endured all our lives? Yes, it deals with time which is what I attempt to highlight in this post. It could, I suppose come down a simple, one word question. The word… “when.” When will we overcome this evil? When will we see the global elites that consider themselves above the laws they put on us placed under arrest, charged and justice prevail? The answer could be as easy as looking backward in time wondering how long the Earth has been around and accepting the simplicity of knowing it’s been around for as long as God’s Word says it has. Since the beginning. We will see justice prevail when this is over. What is required of us until this “when” arrives? Lest we take a dose of phukitall and black pill? It should sound familiar to you. The elders amongst the brethren honestly don’t have, shouldn’t have… as much an issue with it as the youth. Not that there aren’t many of the youth proving for themselves the benefits of a righteous lifestyle. What’s required of us to successfully navigate these days… this time we are in is… love, joy, peace. longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Otherwise referred to as, the fruit of the spirit.
So anytime you find yourself becoming irritated, confused, demanding, impatient or generally pissed off about the evil that encompasses us, consider this. You may be lacking nutrition. Spiritual substance. Surely you see we war not against flesh and blood. You may lack spiritual fruit. Which itself, being fruit… takes time to ripen. To mature. God’s Word properly understood is the fertilizer for your mind. It takes time for spiritual awareness to grow. For vision to deepen. To learn your spiritual rights, your spiritual responsibilities, and spiritual abilities.
You, born again one… you child of the Most High… have a power source within you that’s only been available for the last couple of thousand years and that hardly any of humanity has ever tapped into. Or let alone… received even. The gift of holy spirit received upon being baptized into the new birth. Given as a gift for submitting yourself to God’s only genetic son. He was designed to be our Savior. Our Promised Seed. Our Christ. By providing this to us this is God fulfilling the need we have in order to get back into a relationship with him but this time as His children.
The more this gift of holy spirit is properly utilized according to the accuracy of God’s Word, the stronger it gets due to your believing in it even more… due to your seeing the profit that comes with disciplining yourself to the written Word… maturing over time to produce fruit. The fruit of the spirit. The sustenance needed to not only endure this time we live in… in this time we are called to… but to assist others when and if we can. Especially the household of the family faith. Love is the first one mentioned. We are told in the scripture that this love… this agape, or spiritual love… a concern for others greater than for yourself… is patient. Mathematically that would be love equals patient. Father also tells us love equals/is kind. And that it is love practically applied that energizes believing. It is believing that appropriates results we need in day-to-day life. Our believing that which is truth… day-by-day… changes our thought process from the carnal to the spiritual. Thinking properly, thinking scripturally, becomes a lifestyle. This deepens one’s vision and in doing so strengthens one’s love expressed in giving as we become more and more aware of the unfairness and depravity of this world. Which in turn energizes the believing we need at that moment in time that allows God to fulfill our need. At any given time. If you can stand a Marine’s thought process, it’s like an airdrop resupply… that seems to come out of nowhere… to you, to us, being surrounded by the enemy. The evil that seeks to steal, kill and destroy.
This war is tough, I know. I’m aged and I know a thing or two because I’ve been through a thing or two… looking to God through Christ to deliver me from many attacks. Many attacks common to all and a few that will affect me the rest of my days in the physical I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’ve taken some hits. I’m still standing. I will do whatever I can to assist others, including you reading this… in helping you to better understand the truth of God’s Word. That we may together stand victorious when the fulness of the time for that arrives. We are engaged in spiritual warfare. I’ve seen many fall over the years. We are to strengthen one another. With the truth of God’s rightly divided Word. I’ll do whatever I can for anyone I can as the need arises. This probably my greatest contribution to the truth movement. Email is available. Hit my social platforms page for my email. And you can always leave questions in the comments of the posts. There are many subscribed here trained as I in God’s Word that might be blessed to help at any given time.
We’ll start getting into God’s Word in the next podcast. If you’re new to biblical research principles and not used to seeing God’s Word interpret itself well… don’t be too surprised when this meme hits ya. But… being there many times myself, I figure it probably will anyways! It ain’t called The Great Awakening fer nuthin’!
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Present Food Supply Concerns
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Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
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