We’re almost there. Nine flippin’ days. You know what I speak of. It’s all over the narrative. The midterm election day. Hmm… should we even call it election “day” anymore? Dragging out an election is an enemy tactic. Some precincts in Pennsylvania are already saying their count won’t be complete until days after the election. Arizona also saying the same thing. I’ve wondered if the hanging chad issue thought so important by Democrats when their prince Al Gore lost to W wasn’t a psyop to start making excessive tallying time available to them when they really needed to manufacture a win. That was the first time a Presidential election results were not known by the next morning. In my lifetime anyways. We saw in 2020 if they can delay the count to makeup however many votes they need in whatever polling location to win… they will delay.
And even cover up any windows where the “counting” is going on. Or make lame excuses to keep poll watchers from doing what is expected of them.
2020 showed us in many videos, clips and articles, we have those among us at the local level willing to cheat for their party (*cough, Democrat. *cough, cough) to win. This is treasonous.
It’s been seeming too quiet out there for me. Beyond the narrative. I thought we’d see some pain by now. I mean… more than the inflation we’re experiencing. Or the threat of a nuclear WW3. (I know. That’s not enough?!) I’m thinkin’ like shortages. Banking issues. A False Flag. Or something! I don’t like it. Much of the rest of the world Is feeling pain. We’re having it comparatively easy. So far. There’s some thinking we won’t have an election, that there’s too many eyes on this time. I don’t put anything past the enemy and they are fighting for their lives.
It certainly sounds, looks and feels like there’s gonna be a bigger Red Wave than there was in 2020. I’ve seen a few clips of those claiming they were voting Republican for the first times in their lives. We are winning on many fronts, including our main objective towards killing Mockingbird. But after the momentum we were riding high on and blowing through everything they threw at us for the year 2020, maybe I’m a bit on edge. We were shown the enemy ain’t down yet. They were successful in pulling off the greatest fraud in American politics Biden told us of a week or so before they captured the Presidency. Their “Red Mirage” operation beat our Red Wave. I’ll relax some once we get past this election. And beat the cheat. Gotta beat the cheat. (remember Red Mirage? Click the pic below for the story)
For the last on my October sky watch, we had many clear blue days this month. Most of them with no trails being laid out. They’re hasn’t been as much spraying going on, but I noticed it slowed down some in these parts since the Russian invasion into Ukraine. (It’s no long an incursion. They are claiming territory.) Many of the trails I saw this month didn’t hold up as they normally do. And there was one night they were spraying well after sundown. Be sure to catch The Dimming (2021)
I’ve been working on getting the best I can out of the cb I put in my truck. Although the radio and antenna has been installed for over a month now I’m not talking on it yet. I’ve got the body panels electrically bonded but plan on doing the hood, doors and tailgate also. (Bonding the metal causes transmissions to radiate out in a circular pattern much better.) I’ve learned how to analyze an antenna with the NanoVNA I picked up and see I’ll have to trim the antenna a bit to get it to resonate on the 11M band. I also need to do some tests with my handheld radio antennas using the truck system as I think antennas really needs a ground when testing. I don’t know. But it is fun learning.
Nine days out from the election as of this post. Be ready for anything my friend. If the enemy is determined to stop this election from happening it would have to be a huuuge FF. (False Flag) I don’t want to speculate. There’s enough doomsayers out there. If we get hit with something don’t be surprised. Or shocked. Adapt. Grit your teeth. Improvise. Clench your fists. Take it from a Marine. We will overcome.
Click this link or the pic above for How To Pray For America.
Pennsylvania election official warns midterm results will 'take a few days' because of large number of mail-in ballots
Don't expect results on election night, Arizona's top election official warns
Trump Campaign Releases Urgent Statement On Dem Plans To Delegitimize Election Day Results
Amazon: Get Out The Vote NanoVNA
Last Video Posted: Red Pill Bait; The Dimming (2021)
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Be Prepared, as our old Boy Scout Motto said, and armor up, spiritually and physically. There is alot going on behind the scenes for sure, and thanks for the updates, and that piece written about the "Red Mirage" is almost as true today as it was in 2020. IMO the Good news is that the eyes in the sky have been on them the whole time, spiritually and physically, and judgement is coming - physically then spiritually. Carry on and keep the faith.