The first week of October weather has been just beautiful in the east Tennessee hills with lows in the 40s and highs in the 70s. While many are wearing pants and jackets in the morning, these temps allow me to continue wearing shorts and cut off t-shirts while out working, with a flannel shirt for a jacket in the cool of the morning.
I do appreciate those in the northern states that have gotten back with me with reports how colors are going as we watch for the autumn colors with purpose. Maple trees are still turning a bright red from what I’ve been told but nothing else shared. Colors are just getting underway in these parts but many of the trees I see have many leaves that have started turning yellow but turn brown and dry before the leaf turns yellow completely. I’m thinking that chemtrails may be the cause as to why we seem to never see bright colors this time of year anymore. The colors around here have been quite similar to the picture above.
This last week’s weather has highlighted beautiful, bright, blue skies. With very few or no clouds. And no chemtrails. This area gets sprayed quite often. Right up until Russia invaded Ukraine. About 5 days after that the spraying picked up again but hasn’t been as thick. I noticed the Friday night after dark there was a trail being laid out. Yesterday early morning there was three chemtrails I saw out my front door that were very broken and fell apart quickly. Leave a comment if you’ve noticed recent spraying activity in your area.
As we witness what we used to call “normal” continues to unravel and fall apart, I’ve been noticing the nations that are turning their backs on the United States. Last week’s OPEC+’s lowering oil production the latest example. That would be fine with me except our current government does not have the best interest of the American people in mind. Forty-Five showed us we could be energy efficient. We became energy efficient under the Trump administration. You saw it. We all did. We were energy efficient right up til Biden’s first day in the Oval Office when by Executive Order undid all that Trump accomplished for the American people concerning energy supply. Energy is the foundation of economies today. The enemy expects us to believe the sacrifices we’ve made and will make as they’ve calculated them to be… is necessary to accomplish their Green New Deal theory. Which… like everything else they name… is exactly the opposite of what it’s called and what’s promised.
Everybody should’a saw that with the “Affordable Care Act.”
It would appear the enemy’s plan to get us involved in another world war is back on track after the Trump presidency delayed it. We Americans are all being called “Godless” for the behaviors and actions of this nation’s elites’ conduct. Who do not want you to be self-sufficient individually or as a nation in their quest for control. They set up all these scenarios and many disasters in an effort to show us we need them. We don’t. What we need from these Luciferians is the same as what we need from Big Government. To be left alone. But they just can’t have that. They must be in control so they can control perception in order to hide their crimes from the people. America is and has becoming “godless” and we have allowed it. But God’s grace still reigns. He knows the level of deception better than we. We may very well see World War Three. Will we see a nuclear exchange? I don’t know. Having grown up saturated in that threat and being a Cold War veteran I am not afraid of it. I do believe New York City has been designated a sacrifice by the enemy. However… with the amount of people that have woken up and turned to God, I believe it is available our prayer warriors can defeat this plan. As more and more of the Cabal is exposed to those waking up the less damage they can do. It is God’s people that keep Satan’s plans from materializing as he would have. As it is written, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-6
Denominations have been wrongly teaching “a falling away” refers to Christians leaving the doctrine of the family faith and have many seeking a false sign. The “man of sin” will be revealed once God’s people have been gathered up in the clouds to Christ. The “falling away” refers to our perception of being lifted to the clouds. The world… for us… will fall away as we rise. Leaving behind those that did not accept Christ with the believing required to get born again. It is the presence of God’s children in this realm that “withholds,” or holds fast… the revealing of THE antichrist. Many of God’s people don’t know this because they have had no teaching on the subject or have been taught wrongly. They have been taught wrongly because the administrational approach to biblical research was rejected by the denominations around the same time the denominations were captured by the enemy a little over a hundred years ago. We are not in the “last days” as most people understand the concept. I do believe we are in the last days of the Grace Administration… just before the gathering (called the “rapture” today) occurs. It is after our gathering when the last days actually begins. What we are seeing today is the foundation for those days being laid now. The book of Revelation is great learning for us, the Body of Christ… today as we see those days fast approaching. Once we’re out of here this administration ends and the sixth administration begins. That book… the book of Revelation… is really for those left behind with instructions how to escape damnation by earning their salvation by standing against the evil that will be full blown in those seven years. The last days.
Amidst all the craziness we see unfold, we are to remain steadfast in our conviction of biblical values of living love and speaking the truth that we might help others avoid the judgement that will occur once we are out of here. Pray for God’s people everywhere. For truth to prevail. For the plans of the enemy to fall apart. For wisdom and understanding. In other words…
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