It has definitely felt like autumn in these parts this last week. Some high temps didn’t even make it into the 80s. Even seen some fog in the mornings. But I did hear on the NOAA station the other day it’s gonna be back in the low 90s at some point this upcoming week. One last dash of summer heat for the year perhaps.
Yesterday was a big day for our family. It was my only granddaughter’s sixth birthday. We had a big party for her at a condo community club house where a great aunt of her’s lives in west Knoxville and judging by the fun Velouria and her family and friends had I’d say it was a big success. A couple of her new best friends in kindergarten made it and it wore this grampa out just watching them burn all that energy the kids had.
But I spent yesterday morning trying to get my first podcast published. On Substack. Seeing as yesterday was also Constitution Day I had a couple of thoughts I wanted to share with everybody. I did get it recorded, but when I went to upload it, Substack wouldn’t recognize MVI or MP4 files, which is what I can record in. Substack says it supports those two formats but it would not recognize the files. So I tried converting the file to a WAV format and the conversion worked but after downloading it the file was in a different format my puter didn’t recognize. So… I did a quick search on this problem and found one post on Reddit where someone else had the same problem a year ago. And I had to quit. I was on the birthday party set-up crew and had to get moving. I will be looking into it but it won’t be a priority.
The two points I wanted to make…
I count it a shame Constitution Day comes and goes with very little notice. Or fanfare. It is this document that secures our God-given unalienable rights. On September 17th, schools across the nation are supposed to dedicate some time in teaching some aspects of the U.S. Constitution. Are they doing that? I don’t know. Most Americans don’t know and don’t spend the time to get to know these rights we recognize God gave to all people. Why? Because they continue to be spoon fed whatever the mainstream narrative offers. There is no desire in most Americans to know. Which continues the downslide of the American consciousness in the dumbing down of the people. Which is advantageous for the enemy. Knowledge is power and most don’t seem to care. How is this power advantageous to the people brings us to my second point I wanted to make on this.
The U.S. Constitution is said to be the law of the land in the United States. It is the standard for which behavior of the people is expected, recognizing… and respecting… the rights we have as an individual and as a people. As a nation. I don’t believe most comprehend the strength we all have in that. Otherwise there would be more of an outcry to enforce the written standard that we all see the elites disregard in their quest for power and wealth. Take for example the comparison that I have personally struggled with for years but now understand more clearly. That being… why did the first three centuries of God’s children not stand up against the terrible persecution they suffered and endured? Why? Because the law was not on their side. The law in that time in the Roman Empire made it legal to persecute and kill Christians. Today we have the law on our side in the USA because of the simple document known as the United States Constitution. That the enemy refuses to recognize as we are shown the depths of the corruption of the branches of federal government. (i.e., the arrests of Navarro and Bannon, The FBI raids on Mar Lago and Lindell’s property.) We are witnessing state sponsored political persecution regardless of the law. If the enemy is allowed to get away with this it won’t be long before the persecution of Christians begins in earnest. And it seems nobody knows this. Or even cares maybe.
Well I care. And I would like to think you do also. Which is why we do what we do in our attempts to get truth out. This is not a game to the vast majority in the truther movement. The war is real. The news is fake. And there are many still that need red pilling. And brought into God’s household. Where it becomes available for the individual to operate discernment and see the evil that’s been going on and building in the country whose government is actively weakening the citizens and dumbing down its people by design.
Therefore, won’t you take a few minutes and absorb the information in the video I did on Constitution Day that posted a year ago? Learn some the history behind it and how we are supposed to be observing the day. If you saw it last year watch it again. It ain’t like you remember it all! It’s on my JADsComms channel.
Constitution Day September 17
Today I would like to finish and publish the next video that’s going on the Red Pill Bait channel. Remember. You’ll get a Show Notes Substack email an hour or so before the video finishes processing on Rumble. It’ll be mirroring a one-hour documentary that lays out how those of us that were already or becoming red pilled over the summer of 2020 saw how the killing of George Floyd was a psyop. With a fun bonus music video done by a friend of mine in New Jersey showing what we were dealing with concerning Covid that summer. So I’m gonna get me some breakfast, and get after it.
Sure do desire you are having as pleasant weather where you’re at as we’re having here in east Tennessee. And I pray you have a wonderful day!
Free Copies Of The Constitutions Are Available
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ConstitutionUS - & - Hillsdale College - & - U.S. Constitution Foundation
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Constitution Center - & - Constitution U.S.
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